On the 27th of October of 2022, The Chamber of Mines of Mozambique held an Extraordinary General Assembly in Maputo AFECC Gloria Hotel.
The session was due to start at 08:30AM. However, due to the participants and invitees not being present at stipulated time, the session was postponed for 45minutes with the observance of the CMM statutes, article 13 until 09:15AM.
The work order included;
- Presentation of the General Report of the Chamber of Mines of Mozambique.
- Changes to the Statutes of the Chamber of Mines of Mozambique.
- Election of the members of the Governing Bodies of the Chamber of Mines of Mozambique.
- Discussion and approval of the funding mechanism (admission fees and membership fees).
CMM’s Eugénio Silva (Executive Director) gave a presentation about where the chamber was 10 years ago and he also highlighted the achievements since the revitalization of the Chamber in March 2022
2. Changes to the tenure of 1 year (renewable) to 3 years (renewable) were made.
Provisions made to increase the number of board members from 3 to 7.
Geert Klok, elected Chairman of the board of Directors. Geert Klok, elected Chairman of the board of Directors.
José Dai, elected Chairman of the General Assembly.
Fernando Bengala, elected Chairman of the Audit Committee. Admission fees and Membership approved set to start from the 1st of January 2023.